Location 03169, Kiev, Lane Pavla Li, 2i / Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 11:00 - 20:00
Miracle Spa > Услуги > Cosmetology > Toning lifting system “Shilly-Shally” for face, neck and decollete.

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    Toning lifting system “Shilly-Shally” for face, neck and decollete.

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    time-icon90 min - 900 uah

    The program is designed to stimulate the regeneration processes in the deep layers of connective tissue in order to restore the synthesis of collagen and elastin. A special feature of this program is a unique massage that is suitable for any type of skin with a reduced tone. When this massage is performed, weakened tissues become activated and their natural biological functions are stimulated.

    Effect: stimulation of cellular regeneration, especially in the most sensitive places, such as the skin of the eyelids, neck and decollete.

    Restoration of turgor and elasticity of the skin, slowing down the aging process. Stimulation of microcirculation, improvement of metabolic processes. Modeling the face oval, toning and lifting effect. Strengthening the tone and elasticity of tissues, reducing the depth and severity of wrinkles.

    After the first procedure, the intensity of the effect is observed up to 5 days.

    It is recommended 1-2 times a week for 7-12 procedures.

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