Location 03169, Kiev, Lane Pavla Li, 2i / Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 11:00 - 20:00
Miracle Spa > Услуги > Thai massage

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    Thai massage

    Service rating
    1 Звезда2 Звезды3 Звезды4 Звезды5 Звезд (Пока оценок нет)
    time-icon90 min - 890 uah
    time-icon120 min - 1190 uah

    Thai massage is a holistic system of healing, including a variety of ways to influence, such as deep pressure on muscle tissue, passive exercises that resemble yoga postures, reflexology, stretching, joint opening, activating the flow of energy in the human body, acupressure. Thai massage is a very widespread form of treatment in Thailand, it can last from one to three hours. The main results of the traditional Thai massage: deep relaxation and complete muscle relaxation, stress relief, increased flexibility and joint opening, soft stimulation of all body systems and improved circulation.

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