Location 03169, Kiev, Lane Pavla Li, 2i / Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 11:00 - 20:00
Miracle Spa > Услуги > Hamam > SPA-hen party for 3-4 people in Hammam

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    SPA-hen party for 3-4 people in Hammam

    Service rating
    1 Звезда2 Звезды3 Звезды4 Звезды5 Звезд (2 оценок, среднее: 5.00 из 5)
    time-iconfor three 120 min - 5700 uah
    time-iconfor four 120 min - 7600 uah
    time-icon38-40 ℃

    Dear guests, for this spa program, time booking is paid – UAH 500 (this is a guarantee of your booking, we will send the card number by SMS). The remaining balance is paid in our spa salon to the administrator at the reception.

    • steaming in Hamam
    • peeling with Kese’s mitten or delicate scrubbing (on your choice)
    • tea drinking, conversation, relaxing in the spa zone
    • re-steaming in Hamam
    • applying of Moroccan clay Gassul
    • applying clay Gassul 7 herbs on the face
    • contrasting straits with water from bowls
    • moisturizing and nourishing the skin with almond oil

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