Location 03169, Kiev, Lane Pavla Li, 2i / Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 11:00 - 20:00
Miracle Spa > Услуги > Massage > Lymphatic drainage massage

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    Lymphatic drainage massage

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    time-icon60 min - 1200 uah

    Lymphatic drainage massage is a physical effect on certain lines of the body in the direction of the lymph flow with the purpose of normalization and strengthening of the lymphatic system of the body. The lymphatic system removes accumulated slags and toxins from the cells and tissues of the body, it plays an important role in the metabolism, and its normal work is the guarantor of well-being, vitality, and flowering appearance. Massage of lymphatic vessels is a preventive maintenance of disturbance of functioning of the system, and also promotes normalization of deducing of unnecessary substances and a superfluous liquid from an organism.

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