Location 03169, Kiev, Lane Pavla Li, 2i / Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 11:00 - 20:00
Miracle Spa > Услуги > Massage > Classic massage

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    Classic massage

    Service rating
    1 Звезда2 Звезды3 Звезды4 Звезды5 Звезд (2 оценок, среднее: 5.00 из 5)
    time-icon60 min - 1200 uah
    time-icon90 min - 1600 uah

    The entire body is exposed with general massage. With a general massage, the skin is cleaned up from dead cells, humidified, the protective properties of the skin and the entire body increase rejuvenates the skin, the basic muscle groups are relaxed, fatigue passes, the body is improving its function, the vascular wall tone is improved, slag and harmful substances are removed from the body, the tension passes, the state of the nervous system improves, all organs begin to work more harmoniously and clearly, pass through lethargy and headache.

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