Miracle Spa > Услуги > Cosmetology > Carboxytherapy

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    time-icon60 min - 900 uah

    Carboxytherapy is a unique technique for restoring intracellular respiration of the skin!

    It is a non-injection transdermal injection under the skin of carbon dioxide.
    The skin is applied a special tool, which contains molecules of carbon dioxide, obtained by mixing certain ingredients.
    Carbon dioxide molecular type quickly penetrates into the epidermis of the skin and reaches the blood vessels, thanks to which there is an instant expansion of the vessels, blood circulation is increased, oxygen and nutrients are supplied to the skin cells. This process stimulates the production of collagen, which provides natural facelift (lifting), improving the color and appearance of the skin.

    At the heart of the method is the Bohr Effect – an increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide in tissues leads to an increase in oxygen uptake by oxygen from the blood.

    – improvement of texture and skin color;
    – providing lifting, fighting with photos and biological aging;
    – restoration of the skin after damaging procedures;
    – fighting acne and post acne;
    – treatment of couperose, vascular changes;
    – strengthening the muscular framework;
    – minimization of scar tissue;
    – elimination of puffiness;
    – reducing the number of wrinkles and their severity.

    Also, carboxytherapy intensifies effective cosmetic procedures, especially chemical peeling!

    – absolute safety without compromising the integrity of the skin,
    – absence of complications,
    – rendering a pronounced antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect,
    – Recommended for people with any type of skin, no age restrictions.

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